- Entry type: Resource
- Entry ID: AWH002921
Elizabeth Ryrie interviewed by Matthew Higgins for the Canberra region oral history project [sound recording]
- Repository National Library of Australia, Oral History and Folklore Collection
- Reference ORAL TRC 3022
- Date Range 4-Feb-94 - 25-Feb-94
9 sound tape reels (ca. 280 min.) Ryrie, the owner Micalago Homestead, talks about her early memories of Bellevue Hill and Palm Beach; family background; brother’s flying exploits and her trip to New Guinea and America; the social mores of the 20s and 30s; schooling at Frensham; meeting and marrying James Ryrie in 1940; the impact of WWII; going to Micalago in 1945 and the difficulties in settling in and improvements made to the property; background information on individual parts of the house; certain pieces of furniture; the garden and the difficulties in establishing it; their busy social life during the 50s and 60s with the hosting of parties at Micalago; the reasons behind the spelling of Micalago; the experience of having Micalago featured in the film, “My brilliant career”; the Ryrie family, in particular, Stewart Ryrie, who was the first member of the family to come to Australia and the role of the family in the region and the role of women generally in country life.
- Access Written permission required for research, personal copies and public use during the lifetime of the interviewee.
- Finding Aid Transcript and summary available.