- Entry type: Resource
- Entry ID: AWH002001
Living the Difference: A Migrant Oral History Project : SUMMARY RECORD [sound recording] Interviewers: Debbie Moore and Bernie Lazarus
- Repository State Library of South Australia
- Reference OH 63
- Date Range May-89 - May-89
9 hours 25 minutes During 1988 and 1989 community workers in Aberfoyle Park organised a three part project to document the experiences of migrant women in the local area. The pilot project involved discussions with migrants from different countries of origin and the development of a questionnaire. The second phase of the project included the appointment of a part-time project co-ordinator and the services of two third-year social work students from the South Australian Institute of Technology on ten week placements who conducted ten interviews with migrant women. The final stage of the project was the publication of a booklet ‘Living the Difference’. The summaries of the interviews in the item entries to this collection are taken from the profiles provided in the publication.
- Access Restrictions apply to OH 63/8
- Finding Aid Full transcripts available (168 pages)