- Entry type: Resource
- Entry ID: AWH002919
Nathalie Norris interviewed by Karen George in the Apples and pears oral history project [sound recording]
- Repository National Library of Australia, Oral History and Folklore Collection
- Reference ORAL TRC 6160/7
- Date Range 2-Dec-09 - 3-Dec-09
2 sound files (ca. 142 min.) Nathalie Norris speaks about her family and background in Franklin; her father’s apple orchard at Franklin; her grandmother’s property at Shipwright Point; benefits of smaller orchards; her mother’s work in the post office and involvement with music; her father’s work at Port Huon Cold Store; her schooling at Port Huon; her aunt and uncle’s apple orchard; picking and packing apples; going to boarding school; the death of her uncle and her decision to maintain the orchard with her aunt; assistance given by the Agricultural Department; Agricultural Bureau Field Days; her aunt’s death (1959); female labourers; pruning, spraying and soil improvement; her experience of country life; marketing apples and dealing with export agents; Apple and Pear Growers’ Association; orchardist Winder Smith; problems of increased competition; exporting apples overseas; travelling overseas; popularity of Red Delicious apples (1960s); different apple varieties for different markets; German love of Democrat apples; popularity of Granny Smiths overseas.
- Access Access open for research, personal copies and public use.
- Finding Aid Timed summary (10 p.)