- Entry type: Resource
- Entry ID: AWH002909
Papers of Alison Hyles, 1861-1988 [manuscript]
- Repository National Library of Australia, Manuscript Collection
- Reference MS 5843
- Date Range 1861 - 1988
MS 5843 consists of xerox copies of letters, principally from Angela “Nina” Spasshatt (née Nixon), wife of Dr Percy Spasshatt of Tumut and Armidale, and others written to other members of her family who were living on the Tweed River, New South Wales, 1861-1876; a typescript essay titled “My early bush experiences, 1853-1874”, by Archibald W. Chapman; an indenture between Alexander McDonald and John McDonald of Uriarra Station dated 1869; details of the Nixon, Spasshatt and Dougan families dating from 1692-1878; a manuscript note by Bruce Moore on the history of Uriarra, 1973; miscellaneous items, mostly press cuttings which mention the Hyles family; a photocopy of the Chapman family tree; a day book labelled W.H. Wheatley, Goulburn, December 1911-February 1918; and, a typescript biography of Reverend Robert Chapman by Judith Fitz-Henry, 1988. The collection also includes 44 black and white photographs (some as postcards) of Canberra in 1925 including views of the Cotter River prior to first dam, the spillway, Cotter power house, a ford on the Molonglo River, Duntroon House, a steam train used in the construction of Canberra, St John’s Church and School, Ainslie Presbyterian Church, St Ninian’s Church, and the Hall Hotel. There are also five photographs of the construction of Old Parliament House taken by one of the workmen, 1924-1925, and photographs of churches and memorials in Goulburn, Yass and Queanbeyan, 1925 (1 box, 1 fol. box).
- Quantity 0.78 m
- Access Available for research. Not for loan.
- Finding Aid http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-246157387/findingaid