• Entry type: Person
  • Entry ID: AWE0700

Sebastian, Andi

(1952 – )
  • Born 1952, South Australia Australia
  • Occupation Manager


Andi Sebastian has a diverse work background including having established the Women’s Information Service, been General Manager of the AIDS Council of South Australia, Manager of the Disability Complaints Service and Equity and Diversity Consultant at the University of Adelaide.

She now runs an independent business specialising in the management of diverse workgroups and interpersonal complaints in the workplace. She has two degrees from Flinders University, a Masters degree in Primary Health Care and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons).

She can be contacted via her business email address: andi.sebastian@d-q.biz

Published resources

Archival resources

  • State Library of South Australia
    • Interview with Andi Sebastian [sound recording] Interviewer: Barbara Baird

Related entries

  • Related Organisations
    • Women's Information Switchboard