Browse Entries by Repository


Archives Office of Tasmania
Miller, Mabel Flora (1906 - 1978) - Barrister, Lawyer and Politician
Australian War Memorial Research Centre
McClemans, Sheila Mary (1909 - 1988) - Director, Lawyer and Servicewoman


History of Medicine Library, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Mitchell, Roma Flinders (1913 - 2000) - Governor, Judge, Lawyer and Queen's Counsel


John Oxley Library, Manuscripts and Business Records Collection, State Library of Queensland
Forde, Mary Marguerite Leneen (1935 - ) - Commissioner, Governor, Lawyer, Solicitor and University Chancellor
JS Battye Library of West Australian History, State Library of Western Australia
Cowan, Edith Dircksey (1861 - 1932) - Community worker, Lawyer, Magistrate, Political activist, Politician and Public servant
McClemans, Sheila Mary (1909 - 1988) - Director, Lawyer and Servicewoman


Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales
Smith, Addie Viola (1893 - 1975) - Feminist and Lawyer
Monash University Archives
Eggleston, Elizabeth Moulton (1934 - 1976) - Academic, Activist, Lawyer and Solicitor


National Archives of Australia
Doogan, Maria Krystyna - Barrister, Coroner, Lawyer, Magistrate and Solicitor
National Archives of Australia, National Office
Evatt, Elizabeth Andreas (1933 - ) - Barrister, Commissioner, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
National Archives of Australia, Sydney Office
Bryce, Quentin (1942 - ) - Academic, Barrister, Governor, Governor-General and Lawyer
National Library of Australia
Bishop, Julie Isabel (1956 - ) - Barrister, Lawyer, Parliamentarian and Solicitor
Newman, Jocelyn Margaret (1937 - 2018) - Barrister, Farmer, Hotelier, Lawyer, Parliamentarian and Solicitor
Payne, Marise Ann (1964 - ) - Advisor, Lawyer and Parliamentarian
Somerville, Dorothy Catherine (1897 - 1992) - Lawyer and Solicitor
National Library of Australia Manuscript Collection
Burton, Pamela Melrose (1946 - ) - Author, Lawyer and Solicitor
Sachs, Zena (1913 - 2011) - Barrister, Lawyer, Legal academic and Research assistant
Scutt, Jocelynne A. (1947 - ) - Academic, Activist, Barrister, Lawyer and Writer
National Library of Australia Newspaper Microcopy Reading Room
Bryce, Quentin (1942 - ) - Academic, Barrister, Governor, Governor-General and Lawyer
Cowan, Edith Dircksey (1861 - 1932) - Community worker, Lawyer, Magistrate, Political activist, Politician and Public servant
Finn, Mary Madeleine (1946 - ) - Barrister, Judge, Law clerk, Lawyer, Public servant and Solicitor
Hallenstein, Phillipa May (1918 - 1994) - Community worker, Lawyer and Solicitor
Mahlab, Eve (1937 - ) - Board member, Lawyer, Philanthropist and Women's rights activist
Murray, Kemeri Anne (1932 - 2013) - Judge and Lawyer
Prentice, Una Gailey (1913 - 1986) - Lawyer
Schiftan, Lynnette Rochelle (1942 - 2016) - Barrister, General manager, Judge, Lawyer and Queen's Counsel
Scutt, Jocelynne A. (1947 - ) - Academic, Activist, Barrister, Lawyer and Writer
Tenison Woods, Mary Cecil (1893 - 1971) - Academic, Barrister, Child welfare advocate, Lawyer and Solicitor
National Library of Australia Oral History Collection
Evatt, Elizabeth Andreas (1933 - ) - Barrister, Commissioner, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
National Library of Australia, Oral History and Folklore Collection
Balmford, Rosemary Anne (1933 - 2017) - Academic, Judge, Lawyer, Legal academic and Ornithologist
Banks, Robin - Commissioner, Lawyer and Solicitor
Bicket, Robyn (1964 - ) - Lawyer and Public servant
Branson, Catherine (1948 - ) - Academic, Barrister, Commissioner, Crown Solicitor, Judge, Lawyer, Public servant and Queen's Counsel
Broderick, Elizabeth - Commissioner and Lawyer
Brown, Sally (1950 - ) - Academic, Barrister, Board member, Chairperson, Chief Magistrate, Judge, Lawyer, Legal academic, Magistrate and Solicitor
Bryant, Diana (1947 - ) - Barrister, Chief Justice, Chief Magistrate, Judge, Lawyer, Queen's Counsel and Solicitor
Burton, Pamela Melrose (1946 - ) - Author, Lawyer and Solicitor
Campbell, Enid Mona (1932 - 2010) - Academic, Lawyer and Professor
Charlesworth, Hilary - Academic and Lawyer
Chong, Patti (1955 - ) - Lawyer, Philanthropist and Solicitor
Cohen, Judith - Commissioner, Judge and Lawyer
Cohen, Nerida Josephine (1912 - 2002) - Barrister, Chairperson, Lawyer, Public servant, Solicitor and Women's rights activist
Connors, Jane - Academic, Advisor, Advocate and Lawyer
Conroy, Patricia (1936 - ) - Board member, Community leader, Lawyer and Solicitor
Crennan, Susan - Judge and Lawyer
Davis, Megan - Academic and Lawyer
Eckert, Judy (1956 - ) - Barrister, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
Evatt, Elizabeth Andreas (1933 - ) - Barrister, Commissioner, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
Fantin, Tracy - Barrister, Lawyer and Solicitor
Feller, Erika - Academic, Commissioner, Diplomat, Lawyer and Public servant
Fingleton, Diane (1947 - ) - Chief Magistrate, Lawyer and Magistrate
Ford, Norma Clare - Barrister and Lawyer
French, Valerie (1949 - ) - Barrister, Judge and Lawyer
Gearin, Sally (1949 - ) - Barrister, Lawyer and Solicitor
Gordon, Sue (1943 - ) - Commissioner, Justice of the Peace, Lawyer, Magistrate and Public servant
Hall, Marlene Ann (1944 - ) - Lawyer, Public servant and Teacher
Hill, Jenni (1968 - ) - Lawyer, Partner and Solicitor
Hiscock, Mary Elizabeth - Academic, Chairperson, Lawyer and Solicitor
Irwin, Rebecca - Lawyer, Legal officer and Solicitor
Jago, Tamara - Barrister, Lawyer, Magistrate, Senior Counsel and Solicitor
Kayess, Rosemary - Academic, Advisor, Disability rights activist and Lawyer
Kenny, Susan - Barrister, Commissioner, Judge and Lawyer
Kossiavelos, Koula - Lawyer, Magistrate and Solicitor
Lavarch, Linda Denise (1958 - ) - Attorney General, Lawyer, Parliamentarian and Solicitor
Layton, Robyn - Barrister, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
Le Roy, Katherine Jane (Katy) - Academic, Consultant, Lawyer, Parliamentary Counsel and Solicitor
Lusink, Margaret (Peg) (1922 - ) - Judge, Lawyer, Legal academic and Professor
Mahlab, Eve (1937 - ) - Board member, Lawyer, Philanthropist and Women's rights activist
Mathews, Jane - Crown Prosecutor, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
McGlade, Hannah (1969 - ) - Aboriginal spokesperson, Academic, Barrister, Human rights activist, Lawyer, Solicitor and Tribunal member
Nguyen, Lyma - Advocate, Barrister, Lawyer, Legal officer and Solicitor
Nyland, Margaret - Commissioner, Judge and Lawyer
O'Connor, Deirdre - Judge and Lawyer
Oliver, Sue - Academic, Barrister, Judge, Lawyer, Magistrate and Solicitor
Penfold, Hilary - Judge, Lawyer, Parliamentary Counsel, Public servant and Queen's Counsel
Pincus, Gae Margaret (1940 - 2016) - Judge's associate, Lawyer, Politician and Public servant
Pritchard, Janine - Judge and Lawyer
Rathus, Zoe Scott - Academic, Lawyer and Solicitor
Reaston, Bev - Gardener, Lawyer and Solicitor
Romano, Bruna (1942 - 2009) - Barrister, Lawyer and Solicitor
Scutt, Jocelynne A. (1947 - ) - Academic, Activist, Barrister, Lawyer and Writer
Tennent, Shan Eve (1952 - ) - Barrister, Coroner, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
Thomas, Sally Gordon (1939 - ) - Administrator, Chief Magistrate, Judge, Lawyer and Magistrate
Thornton, Margaret Rose - Academic and Lawyer
Walker, Sally - Academic, Consultant, Lawyer, Solicitor and Vice-Chancellor
Watson, Irene - Academic, Activist, Barrister, Lawyer and Solicitor
Watson, Nicole - Academic, Lawyer, Legal Aid lawyer and Solicitor
Wilson, Nerida - Barrister, Lawyer, Magistrate and Solicitor
Withnall, Nerolie - Board member, Chairperson, Director, Lawyer and Solicitor
Yeats, Mary Ann (1941 - ) - Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor


State Library of South Australia, Mortlock Library of South Australiana
Levy, Rose Winstanley (Winnie) (1900 - 1988) - Lawyer
McCarthy, Gwendoline (Gwen) (1901 - 1986) - Lawyer
Mitchell, Roma Flinders (1913 - 2000) - Governor, Judge, Lawyer and Queen's Counsel
Murray, Kemeri Anne (1932 - 2013) - Judge and Lawyer
Somerville, Dorothy Catherine (1897 - 1992) - Lawyer and Solicitor
State Library of Victoria, Australian Manuscripts Collection
Brennan, Anna Teresa (1879 - 1962) - Lawyer
State Library of Western Australia
Heenan, Joan Mary (1910 - 2002) - Electoral campaign manager and Lawyer


The University of Melbourne Archives
Brennan, Anna Teresa (1879 - 1962) - Lawyer


Women's Library
Brennan, Anna Teresa (1879 - 1962) - Lawyer