• Entry type: Person
  • Entry ID: AWE4353

Hunter, Meredith

(1962 – )
  • Born 22 July, 1962, Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia
  • Occupation Parliamentarian


Meredith Hunter was elected as a member of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory representing the electorate of Ginninderra for the ACT Greens from 2008 to 2012. She was also Leader of the Greens for this period.


Meredith Hunter was born in Canberra in 1962; her grandmother Mary Stevenson was the first woman to serve on the ACT Advisory Council from 1951 to 1959. Hunter was elected as a member of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory representing the electorate of Ginninderra for the ACT Greens from 2008 to 2012. She was also Leader of the Greens for this period and negotiated the agreement with Labor to support their minority government.

Hunter was the Chair of the Climate Change, Water and Environment Committee and a member of the Justice and Community Safety Committee. At the 2012 elections, Hunter narrowly lost the fifth seat in Ginninderra to Yvette Berry of the Labor Party.


Published resources

Related entries

  • Grandmother
    • Stevenson, Mary (1896 - 1985)