
The Creation of an Industrial-Professional Union

The industrial and professional goals of nurses became aligned in the ANF(Vic). Nurses were encouraged to view themselves as defenders of essential public services and the quality of patient care. Public sympathy was sought by extensive publicity that linked nursing shortages to a decline in health standards.

The Education Unit

The advancement of professional goals of nurses was located within the ANF(Vic). The union became a professional educational body. In 1992, the ANF(Vic) Education Unit was opened and became a registered training organisation with ongoing education programs for nurses and midwives. By 2010, professional training was carried out over two floors of the ANF(Vic)’s headquarters. The program includes a wide variety of professional and skill-based courses.

Professional Services

Professional services – available only to members – were introduced and developed to encourage membership. Professional indemnity insurance was re-introduced in February 1989. Through its association with Ryan Carlisle Thomas, the union provided legal advice and representation to any nurse charged with professional misconduct. In 1995 an office of the legal firm was established within the ANF headquarters in Elizabeth St, allowing members easy access. The Victorian Nurses Health Program was set up in 2006 by the ANF (Vic) together with the Nurses Board of Victoria to treat nurses and nursing students experiencing substance use and mental health issues. Under the program, confidential assessments were conducted, individual management plans were developed, and treatment was co-ordinated, including the arrangement of appropriate referrals.

In summary

The professional and industrial goals of nurses are aligned through union membership: an educational unit was established, offering professional qualifications and advancement; and professional union services available only to members have been developed.

James L. Tierney and Christina Cregan
The University of Melbourne