
The Union becomes a Recruitment-retention Machine

Under Morieson and Fitzpatrick, the entire union organisation became involved in recruitment/retention by workplace visits, communication with members and attention to membership figures.

Workplace visits

Every ANF(Vic) officer is expected to actively recruit continually .A series of visits to workplaces was instituted: ANF officers visited every ward in every hospital annually. Prior to this, wards would only be visited if a representative or member raised an issue; mandatory twice-yearly visits by Organisers to every workplace within their purview were introduced; organisers visited workplaces together with the newly appointed Recruitment Officer in targeted roadshows to promote the union and advise nurses of the range of benefits available. Organisations that had a relationship with the ANF were invited to take part and outline the specific benefits they offer members; officials visited universities and technical and further education colleges to deliver information regarding both professional and industrial issues; visits provided an opportunity to gather accurate membership statistics.

Communication with members

Communication with existing members is a priority. The information service, InfoLine, was expanded. Its function was to respond directly to telephone queries from members. In 2005, the union began to regularly survey its members about nursing and employment issues. Email updates provided members with professional information and indicated what the ANF was doing for them. In 1997, the union commenced calling un-financial members to encourage them to become financial again. By 2010 the union called each new member, welcoming them and addressing any concerns regarding membership entitlements. Advertising campaigns were an ongoing part of the ANF activities, targeting current issues such as the right to claim overtime.

Analysis and publication of membership figures

The union collects, analyses and publicises membership records. A computerised system was established in 1999. Under Morieson industrial and professional staff were presented with figures and trends at every staff meeting. This practice was continued and further developed under Fitzpatrick. Copies of the Membership Statistical Report are distributed. Membership numbers per month are tallied for each Health Service Provider, and also for each hospital. Figures are also presented for the regions for which each Organiser was responsible. The Organisers and Industrial Officers discuss membership fluctuations. Any major increase in membership results in applause – communal recognition of achievement -- for the relevant Organiser. Job representatives who achieve 100% membership in their ward or unit received $10 per member to spend on rewarding the staff.

In summary

The entire union has become a recruitment and retention machine. Ongoing direct contact with members takes place; all union staff are involved in recruitment/retention, often by workplace visits; membership figures are accurately recorded and reported on a continual, formal basis.

James L. Tierney and Christina Cregan
The University of Melbourne